Life Insurance After a Hysterectomy – Possible Outcomes

If you are applying for life insurance after a hysterectomy, you can relax.

In most cases, it won’t be a problem.

Hysterectomies are performed for many reasons. Most have no effect on longevity. Any effect will only apply in very limited circumstances.

The Various Reasons for a Hysterectomy

A hysterectomy is a surgical procedure performed to alleviate an underlying medical condition. It is the removal of part or all of a woman’s uterus. There are three types of hysterectomies:types of hysterectomies that life insurance underwriting will look at

  • Partial in which only a part of the uterus is removed
  • Total involving the removal of the entire uterus
  • Radical, also known as Salping-Oophorectomy. The procedure removes the ovaries and the fallopian tubes in addition to the uterus.

There are several reasons why a hysterectomy might be performed:

  • Uterine prolapse – this condition occurs when the uterus sags or slips from its normal position into the vagina. This happens because the muscles or ligaments weaken and are no longer able to support the uterus.
  • Uterine fibroids – these are benign lumps that grow in the uterus. They can cause cramping, painful sex, a continuous need to urinate and heavier than normal periods.
  • Endometriosis – this is the development of uterine lining tissue outside the uterus. It can cause abdominal pain, heavier than normal periods, and even infertility.
  • Uterine cancer – this is the development of malignant tumors in the uterus.

Treatment typically starts with several therapies.  A hysterectomy is usually the last resort and can be necessary or optional. It is sometimes performed to alleviate persistent pain, repeated infections, or vaginal bleeding.

About 600,000 hysterectomies are performed each year in the US.

How a Hysterectomy Affects Life Insurance

The fact that you have had a hysterectomy performed is not in and of itself a factor when it comes to applying for life insurance. The insurance company will be more concerned with the underlying condition that made hysterectomy necessary.

In many cases, a hysterectomy will not affect your application. If it does, the primary effect will be on the premium. Only in rare cases will it result in a decline.

The other causes of a hysterectomy – uterine prolapse, uterine fibroids, endometriosis, or alleviating pain, infections or bleeding  – won’t usually have an effect on your application. Uterine cancer will have the biggest impact, but that will depend upon a number of factors, including:

  • When you had your hysterectomy
  • The specific cause that made it necessary
  • Types of treatments received, including medications (before and after surgery)
  • Whether or not you experienced any complications during or after the surgery
  • Your prognosis following the hysterectomy

The company will also want to know if cancer had spread beyond the uterus, as well as your family history of cancer.

Cancer will be less of a factor if many years have passed since the procedure and you have no other risk factors. Ratings of standard or preferred will be the likely outcome. If cancer is recent or it spread to other organs or surrounding bone or tissue your application could be declined.

Whatever the cause, it’s generally best to wait at least six months after the surgery before applying for life insurance. That will provide enough time to properly assess the outcome of the procedure.

Applying For Life Insurance After a Hysterectomy

When you apply for life insurance with a history of any serious condition, the insurance company will do a complete investigation of your medical records. You should be completely truthful in completing the application, and be ready to supply additional information as required.

Whenever you apply for life insurance, underwriting is looking at your overall health. Previous health problems are less important if they are well-controlled.

You should be sure that your health is good apart from the hysterectomy. That will include:

  • Maintaining proper body weight
  • Avoiding or ceasing behaviors such as smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, and use of illegal drugs
  • Having a good driving record
  • Not working in a dangerous occupation
  • Not participating in dangerous activities (skydiving, deep-sea diving, etc.)
  • Avoid traveling to countries considered to be dangerous (Iraq, Afghanistan, etc)

Other health conditions will make the process more complicated. If you do have chronic conditions it’s important to make sure that you are properly managing them. These include hypertension and diabetes.

If You’ve Had a Hysterectomy Be Sure to Work With an Independent Insurance Broker

Life insurance after a hysterectomy shouldn’t be a problem in most cases.

But if it was due to cancer, it will require special handling. The same is true if you also have other health conditions. Simply applying to a life insurance company because it has lowest rates will likely end in disappointment. You will need to work with an insurance company that specializes in your health condition, or combination of conditions.

Your best strategy will be to engage the services of an independent life insurance broker. It may be necessary to sift through several different companies in order to find the policy that works best for you. That won’t be possible if you make application with a single company.

An independent insurance broker works with dozens of different companies, and will know where to place your application. A broker can also get you the lowest premium possible.

While most insurance companies won’t have a problem with a hysterectomy in your past, some will charge a higher premium. This can include those companies that advertise the lowest rates for people in excellent health. Those are often the exact companies most likely to charge a higher premium to someone with any kind of health condition.

We are an independent broker,  and life insurance is all we do. We’d like to help you get the policy that you want at a premium that you can afford. Finding those policies for people with health conditions is what we’re all about. Put our experience to work for you. Our services won’t cost you anything more than if you apply for a policy on your own.

We’ll do the legwork, and you’ll save the money. Give us a call, or complete the quote form on the left. We’ll be in touch soon.


  • Ty Stewart

    Ty Stewart is a founder and contributor of He started researching and studying about life insurance when he got his first policy for his own family. He has been featured as a life insurance expert speaker at agent conventions and in top publications. As an independent licensed life insurance agent he has helped clients nationwide to secure affordable coverage while making the process simple.

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  • Bennett Bier licensed life insurance agent.

    I’m Bennett Bier, owner, author and fact checker of Simple Life Insure. I believe working with a small independent broker offers consumers more personal attention and superior customer service. As an independent agent licensed in all 50 states and the District of Columbia I have access to many of the top A+ rated life insurance carriers. This lets me locate a plan that you will qualify for while saving you money at the same time. Over the years I have mastered the art of underwriting, getting approvals even for my highest risk clients. I’m also likely the person that will answer the phone when you call.

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